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Stop “Cleaning”, Start OmniClean-Ing

The most innovative floor system on the market, Unger’s award-winning OmniClean Dual Bucket is a breakthrough in commercial floor cleaning. Featuring dual bucket technology to separate clean and dirty solution, the StayClean charging bucket is always clean. You’ll never clean with dirty solution again.

Clean floors with solution 13x cleaner and remove 93% of soil with the OmniClean Dual Bucket Floor Cleaning System.


OmniClean has exceeded my expectations of flatmop systems. It addresses several of my concerns, one of which is the floor being too wet, and the unique wringer alleviates that issue.

—Pete, Assistant Director Housing Custodial, University of North Texas

How Can Omniclean Help You Clean Smarter?

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The most effective dual bucket mopping system in the industry

  • Dual-bucket design separates dirty cleaning solution from clean solution
  • Microfiber absorbs more, resulting in less germs
  • Scrub board and wringer system quickly agitates and removes debris
Safer | Easier on your body and provides safer floors for all


Easier on your body and provides safer floors for all

  • Compact, lightweight unit is easy on your back
  • Splash free bucket results in less spills and potential slips
  • Telescopic ergonomic handle decreases muscle fatigue from mopping
Faster | OmniClean Requires less refills, cleans more area, and reduces dry time


Requires less refills, cleans more area, and reduces dry time

  • Our advanced flat mop is proven to clean twice as fast as string mops
  • Using less water means less trips to refill
  • Less saturation of your mop allows floors to dry faster

Here are 4 reasons Unger’s OmniClean dual bucket will help you clean smarter!

Combining the dual bucket with microfiber allows us to keep solution cleaner longer, while pulling more dirt and contaminants from the floor. Less solution to do the same job as our old single bucket, string mop system means less time worrying about slip and fall hazards.

—Craig, Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds, McGuffey School District

Questions? Want a free demo of Unger OmniClean?

Our knowledgeable regional representatives are available to demonstrate all the innovative, quality features of OmniClean. You and your team can try it firsthand to test your most challenging floor and surfaces. See for yourself how quickly you can make your facility cleaner and safer with OmniClean.

The no-obligation, free demonstration can be arranged at a time and place that is most convenient for you. Sign up now!

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It’s time to ditch that old mop and bucket and stop using dirty solution to clean your floors!

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See OmniClean in Action!