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Unger Professional Cleaning Blog
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How an Unlikely Combo of a Window Squeegee and a Vegan Started Unger Commercial Cleaning

In case you missed it – Mark Unger and Henry Macarios sat down with Nick Thurston from the IWCA 2021 show to discuss Unger’s history in the commercial cleaning industry and relationship with IWCA, ahead of the Annual IWCA Convention.

Here are a few highlight moments that you will hear about in last week’s episode:

  • How a Vegetarian convention (and a Vegan Woman) was the impetus for the creation of Unger Enterprises.
  • The evolution of the product line from a window squeegee to the current offering,
  • Mark recalls how his father got involved with the IWCA organization in the 90’s and how he helped expand that support internationally.
  • Where do Mark and Henry see the IWCA Show heading in the future?
  • What new products to expect from Unger at the IWCA Show on March 23 – 24?
  • The Importance of Pure Water Cleaning in the future of window cleaning.

Watch the entire interview with Mark Unger: