NEW! Unger Announces ErgoTec® Professional Cleaning Gloves See The Product

  • Category Product Restroom Tools 1
  • Category Product Restroom Tools 2
  • Category Product Restroom Tools 3

Janitorial Supplies

Commercial Cleaning Tools & Janitorial Supplies that Save Time & Money While Providing a Deeper Clean

Choose from a wide variety of restroom cleaning tools and janitorial supplies and products to help your custodians work more safely and efficiently. Brushes and squeegees have head shapes designed for easy access to every corner, and hygienic brush holders keep bacteria isolated. Select from light, medium, or heavy-duty mops with extendable handles and microfiber pads. Ergonomic extension poles help janitors reach high windows, mirrrors and walls with ease. Color-coded microfiber cloths and dual compartment mop buckets prevent cross contamination. Bring your cleaning to a deeper level with these professional restroom cleaning tools.

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