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  • Unger Excella

Unger Excella Floor Cleaning System

Now More Than Ever, You Must Truly Clean With The Right Tools

Replacing traditional cotton mop heads, the Unger Excella Floor Care System leverages the health benefits of cleaning with microfiber. All of the Excella kits include microfiber mop pads which trap and hold bacteria, dust and dirt better than cotton thanks to the fine blend of microfiber's synthetic materials. Compare this to cotton, which only pushed dirt and debris around instead of picking it up, and the Unger Excella's microfiber component guarantees not only a cleaner but more sanitary end result.

The Unger Excella Floor Care System combines dual-swivel handles and a self-guiding S-curve pole, providing a mopping system that is “self-steering”. The floor cleaning kit is the first one available that includes both a height adjustable pole and the ability to dispense liquid from the bottle on board. This combination of features provides dramatically faster cleaning with less strain, stress, and effort than any other mop currently available.

How to Use Unger Excella™ Microfiber Mopping System

The Unger Excella™ System is a highly intuitive system. The S-Pole leads the user automatically to clean in proper S-motion with minimal body stress.

Training tips:

  • Do not work against its ergonomic advantages. When using the S-Pole, S-figure cleaning can be done without any wrist movement.
  • Start cleaning at one end and move backward making the S-motion while holding the rotation grips.
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